Emotional Needs

For most people, good mental health results from getting our emotional needs met in balance

Our Emotional Needs Include

  1. Security: having a safe territory and an environment which allows us to develop fully
  2. Attention: receiving it from others but also giving it
  3. Sense of autonomy and control: having volition to make responsible choices
  4. Emotional connection to others: to know that at least one other person accepts us totally for who we are
  5. Feeling part of a wider community
  6. Privacy: having an opportunity to reflect and consolidate experience
  7. Sense of status within social groupings
  8. Sense of competence and achievement
  9. A sense of meaning and purpose: being mentally or physically stretched

The Emotional Needs Audit is a simple diagnostic questionnaire developed by the Human Givens Institute, which is proving an invaluable tool as it rapidly shows where the potential problems in someone’s life might lie. This is a peer-reviewed measure which can quickly highlight potential problems in a person’s life. Any area scoring three or less is likely to be a major stressor for you.

The Emotional Needs YouTube Video Playlist. Click on the top right hamburger menu 1/9 in the video screen to see the individual videos. These are short silent presentations.